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Interface 1.2+ LayoutKit

Most application layouts are divided into panels, have a header and footer bars and in most cases, at least one sidebar.

For this reason, Contember comes with a set of pre-built components that you can use to build your application layout, we call it LayoutKit, it is a set of UI components to handle application layout.

The core of LayoutKit is a LayoutKit.Frame component, which is a container component. Its main purpose is to manage state of panels by wrapping the LayoutPrimitives.ResponsiveContainer. The responsive container provides means for LayoutKit.ContentMainPanel, LayoutKit.SidebarLeft and LayoutKit.SidebarRight to work seamlessly together without much effort on your side.

Together with toggle buttons your have a fully functional layout with responsive panels you can use to compose most application layouts on top of.


LayoutKit.Frame is a container component that provides a basic frame for your app, it accepts header and footer bars, or children via props. Its purpose is to manage state of panels but it also calculates safe area insets for panels added as its children, e.g. when header or footer are in fixed positions.


Handling "safe-areas" of your app You will need to wrap your layout component with <SafeAreaInsetsProvider> component but also update viewport meta tag of index.html by adding viewport-fit=cover value by which you instruct browser that you will handle the safe area insets yourself:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, viewport-fit=cover, initial-scale=1">
import { LayoutKit, SafeAreaInsetsProvider } from '@contember/layout'
import { PropsWithChildren } from 'react'
import '@contember/layout/index.css'

export function LayoutComponent({ children }: PropsWithChildren) {
return (
footer={<p><small>Created with <a className="content-link" href="">AI-assisted Contember Studio</a></small></p>}

LayoutKit.Header and LayoutKit.Footer

LayoutKit.Header and LayoutKit.Footer bars are pre-defined components that provide 3 areas for content – start, center and end.

import { LayoutKit, SafeAreaInsetsProvider } from '@contember/layout'
import { PropsWithChildren } from 'react'
import '@contember/layout/index.css'

export function LayoutComponent({ children }: PropsWithChildren) {
return (
start={<a href="#">Back</a>}
end={<a href="#">Logout</a>}
center={<p><small>Created with <a className="content-link" href="">AI-assisted Contember Studio</a></small></p>}

When you pass false to start, center or end props, <div> wrapper around the area won't be rendered.

You can also create own instance of bar component to create secondary bars, e.g. to create a tab bar with features that are tied to the tab bar only or because Header and Footer are too coupled to other pieces of the Layout Kit.

import { createLayoutBarComponent } from '@contember/layout'

export const MyHeader = createLayoutBarComponent({
name: 'my-header',
defaultAs: 'header',
displayName: 'MyHeader',


LayoutKit.ContentMainPanel is a pre-defined component that provides a main panel for your content, it accepts header and footer, or body via props and is always visible.

import { LayoutKit, SafeAreaInsetsProvider } from '@contember/layout'
import { PropsWithChildren } from 'react'
import '@contember/layout/index.css'

export function LayoutComponent({ children }: PropsWithChildren) {
return (
footer={<p><small>Created with <a className="content-link" href="">AI-assisted Contember Studio</a></small></p>}
header={<h2>My content</h2>}

You can also create own instance of content panel component:

import { createLayoutContentPanelComponent } from '@contember/layout'

export const MyContentPanel: createLayoutContentPanelComponent({
name: 'my-content-panel',
defaultAs: 'section',
displayName: 'MyContentPanel',

LayoutKit.SidebarLeft and LayoutKit.SidebarRight

LayoutKit.SidebarLeft and LayoutKit.SidebarRight are pre-defined components that provide a sidebar for your content, it accepts header and footer, or body via props and both are collapsible, meaning they will hide automatically when there is not enough space for them and you can close any of them using the Escape key.

To open the sidebar, you can use <LayoutKit.ToggleMenuButton /> or <LayoutKit.ToggleSidebarButton /> components.

import { LayoutKit, SafeAreaInsetsProvider } from '@contember/layout'
import { PropsWithChildren } from 'react'
import { Navigation } from './Navigation'
import '@contember/layout/index.css'

export function LayoutComponent({ children }: PropsWithChildren) {
return (
start={<a href="#">Back</a>}
end={<LayoutKit.ToggleMenuButton panelName={LayoutKit.SidebarLeft.NAME} />}
footer={<p><small>Created with <a className="content-link" href="">AI-assisted Contember Studio</a></small></p>}
header={<h2>My sidebar</h2>}
body={<Navigation />}

You can also create own instance of sidebar component:

import { createLayoutSidebarComponent } from '@contember/layout'

export const MySidebar = createLayoutSidebarComponent({
name: 'my-sidebar',
defaultAs: 'aside',
displayName: 'MySidebar',

Context Providers

LayoutKit panels also include their own providers. If you are using them you don't need to include those as global ones.